
Just getting my thoughts out here. So it's been a week since I finished my winter quarter at school, and I've finally largely recuperated. COVID-19 is wrecking the US, and the markets have tanked. I feel like things might tank more?

Anyway, this is to give an overview of what I've been thinking about.

  1. I haven't really been doing CFAR or rationality techniques lately, but I think there are some persistent guiding principles:

    1. Be Curious
      1. lends yourself towards authentic relationships
      2. important for scholarship
      3. encourages the skill of asking questions
    2. Be Explicit
      1. Write down the stuff that you'll forget
      2. Specify plans or they'll go unexecuted
  2. Founder's Pledge has a great overview on how individual action contributes to carbon emissions here.

    1. Questions I still have:
      1. What does the plan for zero-carbon emissions look like? Countries transitioning to this plan need to somehow shift over their entire energy production system, right? Isn't that a massive undertaking?
      2. The charts aren't clear on how much indvidual action can reduce total emissions. Are the per-capita numbers simply the country's emissions divided by the amount of people? If so, doesn't that shift a bunch of emissions from companies to people? If so, that seems like it misdirects the responsibility (especially as individual actions likely can't affect that large chunk).
      3. No mention of geoengineering? What about the thing where existing carbon emissions haven't fully realized their effect on Earth? Where does carbon capture fit in? How mature is it? What are the costs involved?
      4. How can we get this information into the general memeplex? Are policymakers already informed? What about the Generally Informed Scientific Layperson?

Last Updated: 2020-03-28 22:24
First Published: 2020-03-28 22:24